First Social Gathering 2022

Wepa! After a long inactive period ANSO Miami chapter is reactivating and coming back. We had our first social event on Thursday February 17th, it was great to put faces to names. Among our distinguished guest present were: LtCol Montalvan (ANSO National USMC Representative), Mr. Aranibar (ANSO National Membership Coordinator) Ms. Paez (Village of Palmetto Bay Parks and Recreation Department), Mr. Orozco (City of Coral Gables and Hialeah), CAPT Noreña (USCM), and SSgt Timoney (USMC).
Joining the team leadership, LTJG Fernández-Cuervo (USCG) assumed the Public Affairs Officer position and LCDR Bigay (USCG) is our new Secretary. Additionally, CAPT Noreña (USMC) volunteered to reach out and find a POC in SOUTHCOM to enlarge our footprint in the area. Our Vice-President position is still open and available for anyone who would like to join us!
For our next official event we are looking to set our first community outreach with local high schools.